"Those here without the Lord, how do you cope? For this morning we don't mourn like those who have no hope." ~ Newsboys, "Breakfast"
"But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope" ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13
Most of the time when I'm asked what my favorite song is, I tend to say the name of whatever song is speaking to me at that time. Christian music is full of so many great songs, and it always seems that another great song is released several times a year. It's almost impossible to choose just one to be an overall favorite, but a few years ago, that's just what I did. That song is the very one quoted above, "Breakfast" by the Newsboys.
So what about this song makes it my all-time favorite? Yes, it's incredibly goofy, which some people don't like about it, but it also has some deep theological truth interspersed among all the breakfast puns. I liked it before I really took a look at the lyrics because it was fun to listen to. Then when I looked at the lyrics and discovered the story it told in the verses, I began to like it even more. As seen above, it even references a verse from 1 Thessalonians. It perfectly blends the joy of knowing Christ with the hope we have in Him. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and the song "Breakfast" reminds us that our hope in Christ is the most important part of our lives, but that having fun is also important. This world may not be our permanent home, but we can still enjoy our stay for as long as God keeps us here.
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