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100 Greatest Songs in Christian Music

    This summer, Mom and I did some cleaning around the house. One of the things we found was an old CCM magazine talking about the upcoming book and CD set chronicling the 100 greatest songs in Christian music. While the article hinted at some of the songs featured in the countdown, we were really curious to see the entire list. While we could find the track list for some of the CDs, we couldn't see the entire list without reading the book. We had to use an inter-library loan to get it, but it was worth it to be able to uncover the mystery of which songs made the list.

    My parents and I really enjoyed reading the book and seeing the choices that the editors made. Some of the songs on the list came as no surprise. (Among the top five were "Awesome God" by Rich Mullins, "Jesus Freak" by DC Talk, and "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe.) Some of the songs I knew well, but not their original versions. (I've sung "Soon and Very Soon" numerous times in choir, but I had never actually heard the original recording.) Surprisingly, there were quite a few songs I had never heard before. Some, like "I Wish We'd All Been Ready" by Larry Norman, I didn't really like, but I could see how they would have been popular when they first came out. Others, like "Secret Ambition" by Michael W. Smith, have been added to my iPod so I can listen to them over and over. There were even a few, like "For Future Generations" by 4Him, that I enjoyed when they first came out but had since forgotten about. 

    Since reading the book, I have thought about songs that have come out in the 17 years since the list was compiled that I think should be on the list. Some of my favorite artists hadn't even started their careers yet, and songs from those artists have gotten me through some tough times. Additionally, one of my favorite songs was released back in 1996 but didn't make the list. 

    The song I feel should have made the original list is "Breakfast" by Newsboys. I know why some people dislike this song: it is incredibly silly. The lyrics are packed full of breakfast-related puns. However, in between all those puns is the story of a group mourning a friend who has recently died. They sing about their faith and the hope they have in Christ that their friend's death was not the end of his story. They even paraphrase 1 Thessalonians 4:13 in the line "This morning we don't mourn like those who have no hope." The reason I love this song so much and feel it should have been on the list is that, despite how silly it may seem, it's fun to listen to and has deep theological truth. 

    Now, I will present, in no particular order, a selection of newer songs I feel should be considered for an updated list, along with a few honorable mentions. 

The Contenders

"So Long Self" by MercyMe: This is another silly song containing a deep truth. It's written as a breakup letter to our sinful natures. The lyrics are a reminder of how we need to put aside our ego in order to fully follow Christ. The music video with the band members thwarting the plans of their evil twins really helps drive the point home even stronger. Favorite Line: "Well, it's been fun but I have found somebody else."

"The Breakup Song" by Francesca Battistelli: This song is written as a breakup letter as well, although this time, it's fear that's getting the boot. Fear is something most of us struggle with at some point or another, especially in the past two years. This song is a great one to sing along to when we really need to drive that fear right out of our hearts. Favorite Line: "The No Vacancy sign on my heart is lit up."

"Time for You to Go" by Barlowgirl: This song is all about how the media can manipulate us, and the consequences of letting that happen. It ends with a call to break free of the grip of the media so we can more fully embrace what God is calling us to do. Although this song came out 12 years ago, it is just as relevant today as it was when it was first released, and as long as the media keeps growing, it will continue to remain so. Favorite Line: "Shut it off and see we're missing out on living."

"Guilty" by Newsboys: In America, we have it pretty easy as Christians. Since we have freedom of religion, we are free to worship Christ the way we see fit. However, not every Christian around the world has this same freedom, and sometimes, it even feels like it's slipping away here. This song talks about how Christianity is starting to no longer be as acceptable, and how, if it were to ever become illegal, we would want to be found guilty. Favorite Line: "If I'm judged 'cause I'm gonna give my life to show the world the love that fills me, then I wanna be guilty."

"Devil is a Liar" by We Are Messengers: Satan is not only a liar, he is the Father of Lies. He is willing to use every tactic in his arsenal to try and get us to disobey God and follow him instead. We must resist him at every turn, and fortunately, we don't have to do it alone. Favorite Line: "I've got an army on my side, and we're not backing down."

"Help is On the Way" by Tobymac: Sometimes we need a reminder that God will come through for us when we're facing a challenge. This song is a reminder that God always does what He says He will do. Favorite Line: "I've lived enough life to say help is on the way"

"Breathe" by Jonny Diaz: Our lives can get very hectic, and we need a reminder to slow down and remember to take time to rest and pray. This song reminds us of this need not only through the words but also through the music. The fast pace of the verses is contrasted with the calmer, legato chorus and bridge. I often think of this song when I'm feeling stressed out, and it reminds me to take a few breaths so I can calm down. Favorite Line: "Chaos calls, but all you really need is to just breathe."

"Ceasefire" by For King and Country: There is quite a bit of division going on currently, but when we start fighting, it can easily snowball into a massive problem. We have to be willing to call a stop to all the fighting if we ever want our world to return to some semblance of "normal". Favorite Line: "No one ever wins when the goal is to settle the score."

"If We Are the Body" by Casting Crowns: This song is a call for us to actually live out our faith in how we treat others. The verses each tell a story about someone visiting a church for the first time and not feeling welcomed by the congregation. The bridge reminds us that Christ died for everyone, not just those who seem to be worthy. Favorite Line: "Jesus paid much too high a price for us to pick and choose who should come."

"Love God, Love People" by Danny Gokey: The second greatest commandment, according to Jesus, is to love our neighbors the way we love ourselves. We may try to overcomplicate following him, but our love for God and our neighbors is the most important part of our worship. Favorite Line: "It all comes down to this: love God, love people."

"Revolutionary" by Josh Wilson: Increasingly, it seems as though people have forgotten how to be kind to each other. This song is a good reminder that we can disagree without being mean to each other. Favorite Line: "We should love first."

"Lift Your Head Weary Sinner" by Crowder: When we turn our faces to Jesus, we find the love and forgiveness we need. There is no greater freedom than the freedom won by Christ's sacrifice on the cross for all of us weary sinners. Favorite Line: "Let the chains fall"

"Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns: This song is based on Psalm 1:1, "Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, of take the path that sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers." The way lead singer Mark Hall explains it, once you listen to bad advice, it's easy to follow wicked ways and once you start following those wicked ways, it's easy to get comfortable enough to sit down in the presence of those who led you astray. One bad choice can easily lead to another, and when we continue on that path, we slowly fade away from all that God calls us to be. Favorite Line: "People never crumble in a day."

"Bleed the Same" by Mandisa: For years, we have become more and more divided. God created all of us, and he wants us to live in harmony with others in the body of Christ. Favorite Line: "We all bleed the same, so tell me why we're divided."

"What If" by Matthew West: This song calls us to live our lives to the fullest every day that God gives us. We don't want to make it to the end of our lives and be filled with regrets. Favorite Line: "I can't go back in time; I don't have a DeLorean."

"While You Were Sleeping" by Casting Crowns: This song came about because Mark Hall was trying to set "O Little Town of Bethlehem" to a different melody. As he did so, he began to realize the point of the song, at least in the first verse, is that the people of Bethlehem slept through the miracle of Christ's birth. Thirty years later, Jerusalem did the same thing during His ministry among them. It seemed a bit crazy to him until he considered some of the things happing in America. The song concludes with a call to be alert to what God might be doing in our midst. Favorite Line: "Will Jesus come again and leave us slumbering where we lay?"

"Even If" by MercyMe: This song is a reminder that even when we don't see the answers we want to our prayers, we need to remember that God is still with us through whatever we face. The song ends with the chorus of the hymn "It is Well," which was written during a time of great tragedy. Favorite Line: "Give me the strength to be able to say it is well with my soul."

"God's Not Dead" by Newsboys: This is a rocking version of the worship song "Like a Lion." Although the words of both are exactly the same, the dynamics and staccato elements of the chorus really highlight the message that we serve a powerful God who will remain around for eternity. There is a good reason this song launched a successful movie franchise. Favorite Line: "My God's not dead, He's surely alive."

"Fearless" by Building 429: There are many things we can be afraid of in this world, but God doesn't want us to live in fear. With Him on our side, we have the potential to be fearless as His perfect love drives them out. Favorite Line: "I'm fearless for You."

"Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns: This song tells two stories of Bible characters who faced challenges: Peter facing down the waves of the storm on the lake and David facing Goliath. The narrator is wishing to have the faith of these men when facing his own challenges. He is reminded that when He listens to God's voice, his challenges seem easier to face. Favorite Line: "Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of Truth."

"Like You Love Me" by Tauren Wells: This song is based on Matthew 6:25-34 about how we have no need to worry. The lyrics, like the scripture, remind us that God cares for even the smallest parts of His creation, so he will certainly care for us, the most beloved of all His creations. Favorite Line: "Every second thought about tomorrow's wasted time."

"Dead Man Walking" by Jeremy Camp: We would be absolutely nothing without Christ in our lives. We deserve to die because of our sins, but Jesus paid the price so we wouldn't have to. Favorite Line: "I was a dead man walking 'til You loved this dead man back to life."

"In the House" by Crowder: This song talks about how wonderful it is to be able to worship in the Lord's house. We can especially appreciate this after all the time we spent last year doing virtual church services. Favorite Line: "It's home sweet home here in the house of the Lord."

"I Have This Hope" by Tenth Avenue North: Even when everything seems to be going wrong in our lives, God is still with us. The accompaniment pairs well with the lyrics to help those listening be reminded of that hope. Favorite Line: "Through the flood and the fire, You are with me and You won't let go."

"Need You Now" by Plumb: This song is an honest, heartfelt cry out to God in the midst of struggles. I think we all can relate to having times when all we can think to pray is "God, I need You." We remember times when He's helped us before, and we're crying out for that help once more. Favorite Line: "How many times have You given me strength to just keep breathing?"

"His Kind of Love" by Group 1 Crew: God's love for us is overwhelming and never failing. He loves us more than we could ever imagine, and He would do anything for us. Favorite Line: "I could try, but I cannot explain His kind of love."

"Scars" by I Am They: While it can be hard to go through tough times in our lives, getting through them helps to draw us closer to God. Our scars tell the story of what God's brought us through, and Christ's scars are a reminder of what He did to save us. This song expresses gratitude for both. Favorite Line: "I'm thankful for Your scars, because without them I wouldn't know Your heart."

"Scars in Heaven" by Casting Crowns: When we're mourning the loss of someone we love, we often talk about how they're no longer in pain. This song reminds us that while our love one's scars are healed, there is one set of scars in Heaven: Christ's. His scars remain because His scars are the reason ours get to be erased. Favorite Line: "The only scars in Heaven are on the hands that hold you now."

"Homesick" by MercyMe: When we lose someone we love, we know in our hearts that they are in a better place. However, we still mourn because we no longer get to be with them, and we look forward to the day when we are reunited. This song came out soon after my grandmother's death, and the story told by it was exactly how I was feeling at that time. Favorite Line: "If home's where my heart is, then I'm out of place."

"Grace Wins" by Matthew West: I love the imagery in this song about the war between our guilt and God's grace. Our very lives prove that God's grace is greater than anything we could ever imagine. Favorite Line: "I'm living proof, grace wins every time."

"My Story" by Big Daddy Weave: A big factor in any Christian's life is their relationship with Christ and what He has done in their lives. He is as much a part of our story as we are. Favorite Line: "To tell you my story is to tell of Him."

"The Last Night" by Skillet: This was written for a friend of the band who was struggling with depression. The lyrics remind the listener that with Christ in our lives, we are never alone because He is always there. I know I need to be reminded of that sometimes. Favorite Line: "If you give me your hand, I will help you hold on."

"Jesus Happened" by Baylor Wilson: I absolutely love Baylor Wilson's voice. It's polished while still maintaining an aura of child-like faith. This song is a perfect example of that. The lyrics talk about those around her noticing that she is different and asking her what happened. Her answer is simple: Jesus happened. Favorite Line: "All my sin was forgiven the moment I met His grace."

"Maybe It's Okay" by We Are Messengers: Sometimes we feel like we need to have it all together to fully live out our Christianity. However, God wants us to be vulnerable because admitting we're not okay can open the door to healing. It's perfectly fine to not be okay. Favorite Line: "The one who holds the world is holding my whole life."

"Stars" by Skillet: This song paints the picture of God's creative power forming the world we live in, then reminds us that His compassion for each of His children is just as powerful. We are not worthy of His love, but He loves us anyway. Favorite Line: "If You can calm the raging sea, You can calm the storm in me."

"The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets: The first time I heard this song, I immediately thought of my grandmother. She had been gone for over five years by the time this song came out, but it was like she was speaking to me from beyond the grave. Every time I listen to it, I am reminded of how much she loved me. Favorite Line: "You're gonna do great things, I already know."

"For Those Who Wait" by Fireflight: Patience is not always easy for us, especially when we're waiting for something we really want to happen. God promises that when we trust His timing, our waiting is not in vain. Favorite Line: "I know there is a purpose for those who wait."

"Haven't Seen it Yet" by Danny Gokey: This is another song about waiting on God to answer our prayers. It asks us to remember God's faithfulness in the past and know that He will answer our prayers when the time is right. Favorite Line: "All His promises are just up ahead."

"Broken Together" by Casting Crowns: This is one of the few songs in contemporary Christian music that addresses the subject of marital strain. The lyrics are a reminder that honesty with each other and trusting in God are the only ways to keep a marriage healthy. Favorite Line: "The only way we'll last forever is broken together."

"Restore" by Chris August: This song goes beyond just discussing marital strain and talks about how much easier it is to get divorced than to work on the issues causing the strain. It implores the listener that praying about the problems in a marriage can open the door to restoration. Favorite Line: "Marriage does not have to die." 

"Tell Your Heart to Beat Again" by Danny Gokey: Even when we feel completely heartbroken we can still move on with our lives. God is in the business of restoration, and He can renew our hearts and make them truly beat again. Favorite Line: "Yesterday is a closing door; you don't live there anymore."

"Every Beat of My Broken Heart" by Hawk Nelson: Reflecting back on all that God has done for me reminds me of all that He has brought me through. He is forever faithful and forever drawing me closer to Him. Favorite Line: "I am closer to where You are with every beat of my broken heart."

"Together" by For King and Country: This would be an amazing song no matter when it came out. The fact that it was written, recorded, and the music video was shot during the quarantine last year makes it even more amazing. I would say that this song is really the anthem of the last two years because it took us being separated to realize just how much we need each other. Favorite Line: "When we rise, we will rise together."

"Even At My Worst" by Blanca: I know that I can be quite unlovable at times, and it's nice to remember God loves us even when we are at our most unlovable. Favorite Line: "In Your eyes I'm always beautiful."

"Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns: One thing I have always loved about this song is that it is worshipful while still acknowledging the reality of our storms. After my grandmother's death, I quickly got annoyed with how many worship songs were unrealistically positive. Listening to this song was a welcome change. The accompaniment sounding like an auditory interpretation of lightning is pretty cool too. Favorite Line: "Every tear I've cried, You hold in Your hands." 

"Sold Out" by Hawk Nelson: This song always makes me want to dance, and inspires me to live out my faith everyday. Think of how this world would be better if all Christians lived their lives completely sold out to our Savior. Favorite Line: "My soul is like a stadium, and I am sold out."

Honorable Mentions

"You Say" by Lauren Daigle: It can be quite easy to let negative thoughts overtake us, but God sees our potential. Believing what He says about us can change our lives forever. Favorite Line: "I believe what you say of me."

"Dangerous" by Group 1 Crew: This song is about living our faith out to the fullest. Following Christ isn't always safe, but it is always worth it. Favorite Line: "Whatever it takes, I want You to make me more like You."

"Prodigal" by Sidewalk Prophets: The parable of the prodigal son still holds a great deal of hope for us today. Whenever we stray, God stands waiting with His arms wide open as He waits for our return. Favorite Line: "It's a page in your book, but it isn't the end."

"Stay This Way" by Jason Castro: Our brokenness doesn't have to define us because of Christ's sacrifice for us. We have hope that we can move on from difficult circumstances. Favorite Line: "Just because you're broken doesn't mean you're hopeless."

"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" by Relient K: How we act can radically change when we accept Christ as our Savior, and it can be hard to look back on who we used to be. We've come too far to ever go back. Favorite Line: "Who I am will take the second chance He gave me."

"Count That High" by Jordan Feliz: When we truly stop to think about all that God has done for us, it can be truly overwhelming. He is always with us and promises to stay there forever. Favorite Line: "I try to count the blessings; I could never count that high."

"The God I Know" by Love and the Outcome: Once we accept God's love, we want everyone to know about the salvation we have found in Christ. We can't wait to tell others about Him. Favorite Line: "No strings attached when He saved my soul."

"Hard Love" by Needtobreathe: Sometimes being a Christian means battling against our sinful nature so that we can fully follow God's plan for us. It may be hard, but it is worth it. Favorite Line: "They will see my strength in this love I've found."

"Stand in the Rain" by Superchick: When we facing difficult circumstances in our lives, it can feel like we're stuck in an endless rainstorm. God promises that in Him we can weather any storm, and He won't let us drown. Favorite Line: "One day what's lost will be found."

"Wake Me Up" by Group 1 Crew: Sometimes, it can feel like we are just sleepwalking through our faith. This song is a cry to God to help us to recognize those times so that we can wake up and live our faith out more fully. Favorite Line: "Help me know I need Ya when I get amnesia."

"Can't Shut Up" by Anthem Lights: Once we meet God's grace, it's really hard to keep ourselves from talking about it. This is a fun song with a great message. Favorite Line: "We've got a problem, but I ain't calling Houston; you and I can solve it."

"By Surprise" by Joy Williams: This song is all about the Second Coming. As Christians, we eagerly await Christ coming again, but we still don't know when that will be. We may be ready, but He'll still take us by surprise. Favorite Line: "I RSVP'd on the invitation, and I sent it care of the blood that saved me a spot with the One who will come."


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