"Cause you are the devil and the devil is bad
You are the devil and the devil is bad
You are the devil and the devil is bad
You are the devil, and you are bad" ~ The Ws, "The Devil is Bad"
Recently, there have been a lot of mass shootings, and therefore a lot of media coverage about mass shootings. Each time we hear of another senseless tragedy, there are always people clamoring for stricter gun control laws, as though criminals actually obey laws. (For my theory of what should actually be controlled to fix this scenario, please see my post SHUT IT OFF!)
What nobody seems to talk about, but everyone should, is that the true issue lies far deeper. Gun laws aren't the problem. Mental health care (or lack thereof) is not the problem. Not even overexcessive media coverage is actually the problem. The real problem is evil, and that comes straight from the Devil himself.
We run a dangerous risk when we refuse to acknowledge Satan's presence in our lives. When we don't acknowledge that he is there, then we don't prepare to do battle with him. This can lead to losing our fight with him, or worse yet, joining his side of the fight. Many of the evils of history came about because people were sweet-talked by Satan into doing horrible things, convinced that what they were doing was actually the right thing. Hitler and his followers would never have been able to slaughter over six million Jews if they hadn't truly believed that the world would be better off without them. Most terrorists are absolutely convinced that they are doing God's work. Even otherwise normal, Godly people believe that a woman's right to choose what to do with her body is more important than the life of an innocent child. And that issue wouldn't even have come up if it weren't for the fact that sex before marriage is no longer seen as the sin the Bible says it is.
So what can we do about it? The first step is to read God's Word. The Father of Lies can't sway us when the Truth is embedded in our minds and hearts. The next step is to share that truth with others. Ignorance is what Satan craves, so we must fight against it in any way possible. The third, and most important, step is to call out evil wherever we see it. Satan wants us to look at the tragedies of this world and blame anything but him. He laughs when we turn mass shootings into debates about gun rights because that means he got away with it once again. So whenever we see evil happening in our world, we need to acknowledge it for what it is, and shout right in Satan's face "You are the devil, and YOU ARE BAD!"
You are the devil and the devil is bad
You are the devil and the devil is bad
You are the devil, and you are bad" ~ The Ws, "The Devil is Bad"
Recently, there have been a lot of mass shootings, and therefore a lot of media coverage about mass shootings. Each time we hear of another senseless tragedy, there are always people clamoring for stricter gun control laws, as though criminals actually obey laws. (For my theory of what should actually be controlled to fix this scenario, please see my post SHUT IT OFF!)
What nobody seems to talk about, but everyone should, is that the true issue lies far deeper. Gun laws aren't the problem. Mental health care (or lack thereof) is not the problem. Not even overexcessive media coverage is actually the problem. The real problem is evil, and that comes straight from the Devil himself.
We run a dangerous risk when we refuse to acknowledge Satan's presence in our lives. When we don't acknowledge that he is there, then we don't prepare to do battle with him. This can lead to losing our fight with him, or worse yet, joining his side of the fight. Many of the evils of history came about because people were sweet-talked by Satan into doing horrible things, convinced that what they were doing was actually the right thing. Hitler and his followers would never have been able to slaughter over six million Jews if they hadn't truly believed that the world would be better off without them. Most terrorists are absolutely convinced that they are doing God's work. Even otherwise normal, Godly people believe that a woman's right to choose what to do with her body is more important than the life of an innocent child. And that issue wouldn't even have come up if it weren't for the fact that sex before marriage is no longer seen as the sin the Bible says it is.
So what can we do about it? The first step is to read God's Word. The Father of Lies can't sway us when the Truth is embedded in our minds and hearts. The next step is to share that truth with others. Ignorance is what Satan craves, so we must fight against it in any way possible. The third, and most important, step is to call out evil wherever we see it. Satan wants us to look at the tragedies of this world and blame anything but him. He laughs when we turn mass shootings into debates about gun rights because that means he got away with it once again. So whenever we see evil happening in our world, we need to acknowledge it for what it is, and shout right in Satan's face "You are the devil, and YOU ARE BAD!"
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