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Showing posts from September, 2019

The Devil is Bad

"Cause you are the devil and the devil is bad You are the devil and the devil is bad You are the devil and the devil is bad You are the devil, and you are bad" ~ The Ws, " The Devil is Bad " Recently, there have been a lot of mass shootings, and therefore a lot of media coverage about mass shootings. Each time we hear of another senseless tragedy, there are always people clamoring for stricter gun control laws, as though criminals actually obey laws. (For my theory of what should actually be controlled to fix this scenario, please see my post SHUT IT OFF! ) What nobody seems to talk about, but everyone should, is that the true issue lies far deeper. Gun laws aren't the problem. Mental health care (or lack thereof) is not the problem. Not even overexcessive media coverage is actually the problem. The real problem is evil, and that comes straight from the Devil himself. We run a dangerous risk when we refuse to acknowledge Satan's presence in our live...