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Showing posts from June, 2014


A few months ago, a young lady I know got into trouble. Big trouble. Now the young lady in question is not a bad person. She just doesn't always think before acting. After she got in trouble, I prayed for her. I prayed that she would gain control of her impulsiveness and that she would know that she isn't a bad person just because she did something she shouldn't have. Most of all I prayed that the person affected by her actions would find it in her heart to forgive her. In his song "Forgiveness," Matthew West describes it as "the hardest thing to give away and the last thing on your mind today." I completely agree with his assessment. In Matthew 5:44, Jesus calls us to "Love [our] enemies and pray for those who persecute [us]," but this is more easily said than done. Sometimes we feel like our "pain's owed apologies and then it will stop" (Tenth Avenue North, "Losing"). If they can't take the time to apologize and ...