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Showing posts from December, 2012

Strange Way to Save the World

"Now I'm not one to second guess what angels have to say, but this is such a strange way to save the world"~"Strange Way to Save the World"-4Him I was listening to this song the other day, and started really thinking about it. To those of us who grew up in the church, we've grown up knowing that Jesus was immaculately conceived by a young single woman and was born in a stable in Bethlehem because His parents couldn't find room in the inn. The idea of this happening doesn't seem strange unless we really start to think about it. The King of the Jews, the Savior of the world, was born to a young woman and her carpenter husband. Shouldn't a king come from a royal family and be born in a palace? That's the way all of the kings nowadays enter the world. The truth is, he is descended from royalty. Well, sort of. His earthly father, Joseph, was a direct descendant of King David himself. While Joseph is not Jesus's biological father, he was Hi...

The End of the World

According to one interpretation of the Mayan calendar, the world will end tomorrow. Or will it? I personally believe it won't for three reasons. The first is that I believe in Jesus and take him at his word. He said that we would not know the day or the hour, and I believe him. He said that he didn't know and that the angels didn't know, so any claim to know is ludicrous. Therefore, people say tomorrow is the day, so it must not be. A second reason is that there are many interpretations of the fact that tomorrow is the last day of the Mayan calendar. Some feel that the end of the calendar does not mean the end of the world, but rather the end of an era. Another is that the Mayas may not have ever thought we would still be around now. The Mayas disappeared around 950 AD, and they may have thought that the world might end long before the calendar did. Other more humorous ones include the person making the calendar stopping for a beer, wanting to play a practical joke on fut...

Newtown Tragedy

As you probably already know by now, on Friday morning a young man walked into the elementary school where his mother worked as a teacher's aide and brutally murdered 20 children and 7 adults prior to taking his own life. While the media has speculated about it, the motive behind it is still unknown. It is sad when something like this happens, and it is worse in this case because approximately 75% of the victims were under the age of 8 and still had their whole lives ahead of them. Unfortunately, too many people used the publicity surrounding this tragedy not to call for prayer for the victims and their families, but to call for stricter gun control laws. This is not the proper response. The gun itself did not kill those children, the man wielding it did. In addition, if a law abiding citizen inside the building had had a gun, the massacre could have been stopped sooner. These children were killed by the evil of Satan manifested in a young man with a gun. When we miss this p...

Opening Notes

"Shalom and good evening to you worthy friends. Please come closer, come closer. Too close, a little too close. There, that's better." I thought this quote, which is the opening from Aladdin , was a great way to start that movie and a great way to start this first blog post. Welcome to my blog. The posts here will be varied, but I hope that each one gives you something to think about. That being said, it is important that you know that I am a Christian, and my posts will be written from a Christian perspective. There will be some random musings, some posts about how certain Bible verses have touched my life and even some posts with the stories behind songs that I have written. While being a Christian is not a requirement to read my posts, I do ask that if you are not, you be respectful of the fact that I am. I am open to healthy debate, but I will not tolerate attacks of me or my faith. I promise that I will respect what you have to say, and I would appreciate the same ...