"Now I'm not one to second guess what angels have to say, but this is such a strange way to save the world"~"Strange Way to Save the World"-4Him I was listening to this song the other day, and started really thinking about it. To those of us who grew up in the church, we've grown up knowing that Jesus was immaculately conceived by a young single woman and was born in a stable in Bethlehem because His parents couldn't find room in the inn. The idea of this happening doesn't seem strange unless we really start to think about it. The King of the Jews, the Savior of the world, was born to a young woman and her carpenter husband. Shouldn't a king come from a royal family and be born in a palace? That's the way all of the kings nowadays enter the world. The truth is, he is descended from royalty. Well, sort of. His earthly father, Joseph, was a direct descendant of King David himself. While Joseph is not Jesus's biological father, he was Hi...
Reflections on modern life through the lens of Christianity. There will be different formats for different posts, but my prayer is that each one will be used by God to help someone else have hope.