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Showing posts from July, 2022

Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

There's been a post shared on Facebook in the weeks since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade that starts out by saying: "I'm not pro-murdering babies." However, it then gives various scenarios where abortion should be justified . The implication is that if someone is pro-life, they only care about the babies themselves, not the women who face pregnancies under difficult circumstances. The truth is, we do care about the women in these situations, perhaps even more so than those that are pro-choice. We are willing to help them see that the answer to a crisis pregnancy is assisting them through the crisis, not getting rid of the pregnancy. That's why in my state we are voting on an amendment called Value Them Both because we do value them both and want to make sure that both the woman and child are well cared for throughout the pregnancy and beyond. Here are the arguments in the oft-shared post, and how each hypothetical woman can be cared for without having a...

The Unfriend Zone

      Last week, the Supreme Court overturned the controversial 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. Following the ruling, I saw quite a few posts that said some variation of: "Here's my opinion. If you disagree, please unfriend or unfollow me." Even though I disagreed with some of those posts, I did not unfriend anyone because I know the pain of being unfriended.     As I mentioned in my post Easily Offendable , I was unfriended by two long-term friends back in August because they disagreed with me. While I was initially angry about the situation, and still am to an extent, I'm finding that as time passes my feelings are gradually changing from anger to sadness. We were good friends for 13 years, and we had some fun times together. I was at their engagement party and wedding, I was the only person who showed up when they did the Polar Plunge, and I was ecstatic when they started coming to my church five years ago. Before the pandemic, I took care of their son in the c...