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Showing posts from June, 2020

Calling for a Ceasefire

"One by one we will call for a ceasefire One by one we will fight for a better end One by one we can rewrite the headlines We're standing side by side Ceasefire" ~ For King and Country, " Ceasefire "     As probably all of my American readers, and maybe even some international readers, already know, George Floyd died in Minneapolis on Monday, May 25 after a police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes. Since that day, protests have taken place in cities across the country, and even some places in other countries. Most of the protests have been peaceful, like the one here in Wichita, Kansas last Saturday. Unfortunately, many others have not been. While I grieve this senseless tragedy, I don't think violence is the answer.     One reason I feel this way is because the violence of the protests can easily overshadow the reason behind them. Almost six years ago, Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson, Missouri. The weeks that followed were filled with pro...