Throughout America right now, places are starting to ease back into normal life post-pandemic. However, since the pandemic hasn't been completely eradicated, the CDC recommends wearing masks out in public, and in some places, masks are required. Many people are resisting wearing masks, which has led to a few violent confrontations in places where they are required. While I can understand why people feel like wearing a mask is a control issue, especially when it's not optional, I don't see it this way. Even though I live in a place where masks aren't required, I still choose to wear one for a few reasons. The main reason I choose to wear a mask out in public is because if I were exposed to the virus, I probably would be an asymptomatic carrier. I am a healthy young woman with a strong immune system. Even if I ended up getting symptoms, they probably would not be severe, so I could easily misinterpret them. I have seasonal allergies, which can cause cough...
Reflections on modern life through the lens of Christianity. There will be different formats for different posts, but my prayer is that each one will be used by God to help someone else have hope.