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Showing posts from October, 2016

November 9

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."~John 16:33 As my American readers know, November 8 is Election Day, and the buildup to that day has been incredibly pretentious, especially in the race for the presidency. Each of the two major parties have a candidate that is hated by everyone in the other party, and even some people from their own. Many people have made the decision to vote for their party's candidate not because they want them in the White House, but because they don't want the other party's nominee in there. There are also many choosing to vote for a third party candidate as an act of protest against their party, even though our nation's two-party system renders any third party candidate not viable. Social media has fueled this mutual hatred and release of venom by making it incredibly easy for even the most seemingly insignificant person to...

Not Worth Completing

Those who have read my post "I'm a What, Now?"  will know my frustration with how society defines the term "suicide survivor." Recently I heard about a change in terminology that is just as frightening: those who died from suicide are now said to have "completed suicide" rather than having "committed suicide." The reason is that "committed suicide" makes it sound like the person was a criminal, and they don't want to speak ill of the dead. However, suicide is a crime. It's a crime a person commits against themself and against God. As was pointed out in a response to the post where I initially heard about this new term, if suicide was not a crime, the police would not be able to respond if a person is threatening to kill themself. In addition, if they had used that same deadly force on someone else, we wouldn't hesitate to say they committed murder. Why should it be any different because it was themself they killed? In ...