"Go and make disciples of all nations."~Matthew 28:19 About a year ago, something happened that shook the Christian music community. Vicky Beeching, a renown singer and songwriter of worship music, announced that she was gay. Since then, people have boycotted her music, churches that she often did concerts at refuse to let her come back, and her earnings have drastically dropped. She has been cast aside by the very community that she was an integral part of helping to develop. However, this response is the absolute worst thing to do in this situation. Other forums will debate whether or not homosexuality is a sin. It really doesn't matter. She is one of our sisters in Christ, and casting her out because she is a "sinner" is a wretched thing to do. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE! WE ARE ALL SINNERS! Romans 3:23 states "for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (emphasis mine). None of us is without sin, so we have absolutely no grounds to cal...
Reflections on modern life through the lens of Christianity. There will be different formats for different posts, but my prayer is that each one will be used by God to help someone else have hope.