"27 million slaves, no plantation. 27 million slaves, all different races."~Tenth Avenue North, "For Those Who Can't Speak Around the world, 27 million people are enslaved, many in the sex trade. To put that number in perspective, that figure is close to the entire population of Texas, the second largest state in America both in terms of area and population. If every one of those slaves held hands, they could completely encircle the globe. It's really quite a big deal, and keeps getting bigger. Estimates are that at least 17,500 people are brought into the United States each year to be enslaved, with some estimates running as high as 60,000. In every country in the world, slavery is illegal, so correct statistics are difficult to find. Which means that there might be many more slaves than anyone knows about, and that is a scary thought. No one should be forced into working for someone else without compensation, which is why slavery was outlawed in the United St...
Reflections on modern life through the lens of Christianity. There will be different formats for different posts, but my prayer is that each one will be used by God to help someone else have hope.